My brother can only be described as unique.
Unique is the word I use as it’s so hard to put his personality and essence into words. Someone who evades a summary, a sentence, who’s a bit larger than life in ways that make it hard encapsulate him in writing and sometimes make him hard to understand.
Having a sibling is strange as it’s the one familial relationship, even more so than relationships with your parents, that you’re (hopefully) likely to have for your entire life. Until the end of your life this person, no matter what the state of your relationship is, will always be your sibling.
And like other family members, you don’t get a lot of choice in this relationship. Whether you like it or not this person will always be your sibling.
When you love them or hate them, exist in that grey area in between, fluctuate between the two within days or within hours they’re still your sibling.
And for me even in those bad times, and irritating times and times where we don’t want to speak for days and maybe don’t feel as close I always come back to love, something my Mom taught me well.
And if there’s someone who I’ll have to put up with for the next 60 odd years of my life I’m glad that person will be my brother.